About Me

My name is Crystal Eve Kelley. I was born on October 30th, 1989, in Mckinney, TX, and ever since that day I have been a girl, and now a woman of many interests. I made this blog to embrace the fact that it is possible to be passionate about many different things at once. When I was considering making a blog, one of the biggest pieces of advice I was given was to pick a niche – but if you are in anyway like me, dedicating yourself to writing only about one thing would be a life sentence.

On a more serious note, I am very passionate about writing about the things I love, but all of the things I love were rooted from dark places and experiences that I have had to overcome. It is important for me to recognize and sometimes even celebrate the darkness that has allowed me to be inspired enough to want to brighten up other peoples lives, so that they don’t feel alone, hopeless or cursed into a future defined by their past.

The struggles of this life, the time and effort involved in acquiring self-acceptance, overcoming rejection and getting through other hardships can crush your soul, but I strive to make it my mission to still hold on to my desire to be a inspiration to others, and also see the beauty and lessons that can be learned by other people’s stories.

I am also a grieving mother to a beautiful little baby boy, Jaxon Alexander, who passed away in June of 2013 in a car accident. He inspires me to strive to better myself and never give up, no matter what life throws at me.

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