5 Best Jeans for Tall Women that your Long Legs will Love! 😍

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Find yourself searching online for recommendations on the best jeans for tall women, desperate for a pair that will actually be long enough? Is shopping for clothes traumatic for you, due to the odds of you finding tall sizing being pretty much the same as the odds of you winning the lottery? Are you constantly having to choose between covering your ankles & covering your plumbers crack? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you could be suffering from “long-leg-itus“, my long-legged friend!

Tall Girl Problems: Linens Lacking Length

Being a tall girl has it’s perks. For example, I can reach pretty much anything I want without a stool and never have to worry about not being able to see at a concert. There is one major problem that comes along with being 5’10” or above, which is shopping for clothes – especially for jeans & pants! PSA for all the department & clothing stores out there: LIMIT LINENS LACKING LENGTH! By doing so, you can help our species put a permanent end to ever having to go out looking like this:

Tall Girl Problems like Steve Urkel pants with socks and highwaters

Top 5 Best Jeans for Tall Women

Clearly, the struggle of finding jeans that are long enough for me is WAY more frustrating to me than when a random stranger asks me if I play basketball. Luckily, the internet provides us options to find our perfect fit of pants, and even though it is still quite the struggle, some amazing options do exist. The following list includes some of my favorite pairs of long, lengthy jeans that will not only boost your confidence, but also cover your socks! 😜

1. Tall & Extra Tall & Jeans by Torrid

Torrid offers jeans in 5 different length options! Extra short, short, regular, and then the ones that actually matter – Tall & extra-tall, baby! Not only do their jeans allow you to strut around town without your ankles playing a game of peek-a-boo, but they also offer all your favorite styles & fits, to include “boyfriend straight“, “sky high skinny“, “flare” and more. The only thing you will want to check first, is there size measurement guide to ensure they carry your perfect fit: Torrid Size Guide

Tall & Extra Tall Jeans for Women by Torrid Clothing Company

2. Buckle (Seems they have lots of seams to choose from!)

If you’ve never heard of Buckle, then I feel bad for you son, cuz I got 99 problems and length-lacking pants ain’t one! πŸ˜‚ I love Buckle because of so many reasons, but here are just some of them:

  • Inseams – You can shop for their pants by inseam length, just like you would if you ordered pants by the waist length. You know, the way pants should be bought?! It still amazes me how men have it so easy when buying pants, but us women have sizing that literally makes no sense. (Thanks for the common sense on your end though, Buckle!)
  • High Quality – Yes, purchasing your denim there will cost you a little bit more than your typical department store, but these jeans are definitely built to last.
  • Style – The wide variety of styles that you can find at Buckle is EVERYTHING. Whether you love ripped jeans, bling-bling jeans, western-inspired jeans, Miss Me jeans, or mom jeans, you’ll be sure to find something absolutely perfect.
Tall Denim Jeans for Women featuring styles and long inseams from Buckle

3. ASOS Jeans

A major highlight about ASOS is that you’ll never have to worry about accidentally buying jeans that are too short because they put a big banner on the bottom of the jeans preview photo that says “TALL” – lol. I love that because sometimes when you filter your search results on a website for tall sizes, they sneak in some pairs that aren’t actually tall sizes. (Why? I have no idea SMH…)

long pants and jeans for tall women in popular styles from ASOS

4. LOFT Jeans

LOFT has the must-have tall pants & jeans section, but also has a “Tall Shop All” section featuring tall dresses & skirts, so you can rock them without your entire ass hanging out. 😜

LOFT Store selection of best tall jeans for women and misses styles

5. Amazon (Yes, you read that right)

Everyone loves Amazon – especially if you have a prime account. If you’re like me, then you like your jeans LONG & shipping times SHORT – and Amazon delivers on both. πŸ˜‚ The only thing that is super frustrating about finding the best tall jeans for women on Amazon is the constant disappointment of either the tall sizes being out of stock or the search results not accurately giving you search results. If use Amazon for this purpose, just be mentally prepared to have some patience and do a little extra digging. Once you find some pairs to buy or add to Wishlist, it will definitely be worth it!!

I’ll save you a little time on all that extra digging though, by dropping some links below for some of the best brands to find tall-length jeans on Amazon:

  • Nine West – A top-quality brand that you can get shipped quickly to your front door.
  • Ariat This option is perfect if your looking for work or western wear in long or tall sizes.
  • Levi – definitely check this link out if you like brands who put sizing charts in the description for inseam recommendation. For example, choose the 34″ inseam if you’re 5’8″ or taller!
  • Wallflower – Some of their styles don’t come in tall, but many of them do and are true to size!

So, those are my top 5 picks for the best jeans for tall women! It shouldn’t be such a “tall” order to ask for more options to find long and tall sizes for our apparel, but hopefully more and more brands will get on board and offer the inseams of our dreams. 😜✨

Now I shall leave you with some tall girl memes that display our tall girl problems:

Tall girl problems meme about questions
meme about tall girls who like guys that prefer short girls
funny meme about tall mom future daughter height

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Hey! I'm Crystal and my passion is writing about things that make me excited about life. I am always inspired by new things, therefore, what I will write about next is pleasantly unpredictable. πŸ’œ

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