A Collection of the Best Bernie Sanders Mitten Memes!

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The most random thing to trend in 2021 (so far, lmao) are the memes going around of Bernie Sanders. You know, the ones of him sitting at the 2021 inauguration in a chair, arms crossed, legs crossed, looking bored, while sporting some mittens that look like they were knitted for a giant, newborn baby. I am not sure why, but for some reason the memes have been incredibly hilarious, so I took a stab at it and made some of my own as well!

If you’re familiar with these memes, then you know that they mostly involve placing Bernie’s famous photo into various movie scenes, photographs, awkward, random places & more. πŸ˜„

1. Shining Bernie

I decided to slip him into one of the more popular scenes in the movie “The Shining“. I mean, this actually might be creepier than the twins!

Bernie Sanders Mittens Meme The Shining Movie

2. Pretty Little Bernie

Awwwe, look! It’s the squad from “Pretty Little Liars“, embracing Bernie like the cranky little grandpa that he looks like he is.

Pretty Little Liars Funny Bernie Sanders Meme Mittens and Mask

3. Game of Thrones Gathering

Bernie just looks pissed here that he is sitting in a lawn chair and not the iron throne.

Game of Thrones  Funny Bernie Sanders Memes in Chair

4. Breaking Bernie

Admit it – Masked up Bernie would have made a great addition to the Heisenberg & Jesse team in “Breaking Bad“, even though he looks like he is just trying not to break wind.

Bernie Meme with Mask in Breaking Bad

5. Sons of Anarchy Crew

Here is the perfect mental image of how the show could have looked if bundled-up Bernie had been part of the SOA crew.

Bernie Sanders Chair Meme with Sons of Anarchy Cast

6. Honey Bernie Boo-Boo

Let’s face the fact that Bernie looks like he fits right in – but the question is: Does a dolla make him holla?

Honey Boo Boo - A Very Boo Boo Christmas Funny Meme
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Season 1

7. Fast & Furious Bernie

Sittin pretty with some of the original “Fast & Furious” cast. This actually kinda woks because I can totally see him being one of those people who drive alone in their cars with their mask on. lol.

Fast & Furious Cast Bernie Sanders Meme Mask and Mittens with Paul Walker

8. Cast Away

He would have almost made a great replacement for “Wilson” – but not quite! 🀣

Cast Away Scene Fire with Bernie Sanders inauguration meme

9. Jerry Springer

Just when you think Jerry Springer could never get any weirder – imagine this:

Jerry Springer Fight Bernie with mask and mittens
Bernie Sanders Meme on Jerry Springer Set

10. A Bernie kind of Christmas

Christina Aguilera must keep her home freezing cold!

Christina Aguilera Singing Christmas Song Bernie Sanders Meme

11. Jeopardy

More like JEP-BERNIE!

Bernie Meme on Jeopardy Stage Funny

12. Sephora Savage

I’m thinking he is waiting for an employee to go pull some extra All-Nighter from the back of the store.

Bernie Sanders sitting in sephora meme

13. Billie N Bernie

Imagine these two together IRL…

Bernie Sanders and Billie Eillish Meme

and here are a few of my favorites made by others!

14. Paranormal Bernie Activity

This one actually LEGIT scares the hell outta me. 🀣

bernie sanders meme paranormal activity picture

The Office

Can you find the Bern? lol

Bernie Mittens Meme the office
Credit: ABC News


Mean Girls

Mean Girls Bernie Sanders Meme - You cant sit with us
Credit: CR Fashion Book

Bird Box Bernie


Bernie Sanders Bird Box Meme Funny
Credit: 8 News Now

Forest Gump

Forest Gump Scene with bernie in mittens and mask
Credit: Cutacut

Dayummmm Meme

If you’re familiar with the meme world, then you recognize this one. I think this may be my favorite version of it HA!

bernie sanders classic meme replacement
Credit: We are the Mighty

Disney World

And he is riding a spinning teacup – L-O-L:

Bernie Sanders Spinning Teacup Disney World Ride Meme
Credit: No Guilt Disney

Keep checking bad for more epic Bernie Sanders memes. I will definitely be updating this post regularly!

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Hey! I'm Crystal and my passion is writing about things that make me excited about life. I am always inspired by new things, therefore, what I will write about next is pleasantly unpredictable. πŸ’œ

One thought on “A Collection of the Best Bernie Sanders Mitten Memes!

  1. Gkenda

    Love the shining Meme! πŸ˜‚

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