How to Deal with Mirena IUD Side Effects

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This week marks the 6 month anniversary of my IUD insertion and I have lived to tell the tale of the Mirena IUD side effects! I know everyone is different, and some side effects will affect some but not others. but I wasn’t so lucky. This is also why I am the perfect person to shed some light on how to combat them!

The goal here is for you to not go bat-sh** crazy, and impulsively yank it out. Before you call your doctor for removal, read my advice, tips and tricks I have discovered to help make the adjustment period of the Mirena IUD side effects more tolerable.

Mirena IUD Side Effects

Some women don’t have any problems with their Mirena IUD. They stop bleeding immediately and have little-to-no symptoms. Well, woop-dee-doo for them right?! If you are reading this, you probably aren’t one of those women. I wasn’t either, but I promise you that you have come to right place to get some great tips. Also, be sure to check out the bottom of this post when I mention how Evening Primrose Oil stopped my irregular spotting and ended my period all together.

Mirena IUD Side Effects after Initial Insertion

I feel it is important to cover the insertion and immediate effects that I experienced, because many women reading this are afraid of the pain that is associated with the insertion of a Mirena IUD. 

To those women: Stop psyching yourself out by reading horror stories about how excruciating the pain is. Everyone is different! When I had my Mirena inserted, I felt NO pain what so ever. Mind you, I have given birth before, and that supposedly makes it less painful.

Either way, the time it takes to insert the IUD is so quick, that the pain is unlikely to be something you can’t handle. 

Dog with funny face laying on its back gif

So, like I said, I felt no pain when getting the Mirena IUD inserted, just a little cramping. After that I got up, got dressed and went to work. I had no spotting…..yet. The next 7 days of having the Mirena were pure bliss because I hadn’t bled one drop, but suddenly on day 8, the spotting began and I was not a happy camper! 


This is definitely the most FRUSTRATING side effect of them all. I spotted for 4-5 months until it finally slowed down. When I say spotting, I am talking about mostly old blood, brown in color, and in the amount that is barely enough to use a lite tampon. 

Then the spotting will stop, usually for 1-3 days, and each time this happens you think “What if this is it!?”. Well, don’t be surprised when the menstrual monster comes back to haunt you. The spotting will begin again. There were SO many times that I called my doctor to discuss getting it removed and luckily I found a few helpful ways to make this side effect more tolerable. 

Tampons/Pads/or Diva Cup?

It took me too long to figure this one out. I was going through tampons like nobody’s business. It was wasting money, because of the light bleeding barely leaving a mark, wasting tampons. I just refuse to wear pads. It is a personal thing, it just grosses me out. So that is what I did. Stashes of tampons everywhere. Under my sink, in my purse, an emergency one hidden in my bra, and in the file cabinets at work. It was a nightmare. 

diva cup for menstrual bleeding and spotting

Now, I have used menstrual cups before, but they always leaked on me, so I never trusted them. When you are spotting, however, they are really effective! You can leave it in all day long without worrying if it will fill up. Be warned though, IF you choose to do the menstrual cup, be sure to use the Diva Cup brand! This is because the suction of the soft cups put you at a slight risk of yanking out your IUD. Using these will help you feel normal while spotting is going on, and you save money by not having to re-stock on feminine products all the time. 

Get a Diva Cup here: Amazon

Tampons Shooting Out GIF

Heavy Spotting/Cramps/Period

The heavy spotting usually occurred on the days where my actual real period was supposed to be happening. You get the same menstrual symptoms as you would without the Mirena IUD (especially during your first period on Mirena IUD, if you have one) The good thing about heavy spotting during what should be your period, is that it still beats having a real blown-out period. I found that sticking with the usual medications like Midol and Motrin was efficient – mainly for the cramps, which sometimes sucked. 

Sex Life

If you’re single, then this one won’t bother you as much, but if you like to shag, you may want to always prepare ahead of time during this adjustment phase of the Mirena. It doesn’t always stop the bleeding completely, but it has worked wonders for me many times.

Woman hiding underneath striped blankets

Emergency Temporary Spotting Relief

Note: I am not a medical professional and you should not take this as medical advice. With that being said, here is what I did, and what worked for me to temporarily stop spotting. This can be a life saver if you know you won’t have access to a bathroom for a while, want to go swimming, or yes, when you want to get some nookie.

1. Take 4 Ibuprofen tablets (200mg each) 

2. Drink plenty of water before and after and do not take on an empty stomach. 

It is simple as that. Now a little virtual birdy or two told me that I needed to go for a more natural approach by using supplements like Shepherd’s Purse, Yarrow, or Lady’s Mantle. Those are safer options for you to explore, as they have worked wonders for some women and their spotting related Mirena IUD side effects.

Here is a little bit more info on those supplements I mentioned: 

Shepherd’s Purse 

shepherds purse supplement blend for heavy period relief

This supplement is said to work for women’s menstrual issues since it has been known to: 

Internally Shepherd’s Purse has been highly regarded as a medicine to prevent the excess loss of fluids. This certainly applied to blood, but it also applied to an excess loss of moisture through problems such as diarrhea, blood in the urine, frequent and excessive nose bleeds or from prolonged and debilitating fevers.

In modern times Shepherd’s Purse is mostly used for women who are experiencing excessively heavy menstruation caused by problems such as fibroid or endometriosis.

Andrew Chevallier writes that ‘Shepherd’s Purse is ‘one the best remedies for preventing or arresting hemorrhage. Shepherd’s Purse has long been a specific treatment for heavy uterine bleeding. While weaker acting in this respect that ergot, Shepherd’s Purse has none of ergot’s toxicity and is better tolerated by the body. It may be used for bleeding of all kinds – from nosebleeds to blood in the urine. An astringent herb, it disinfects the urinary tract in cases of cystitis and is taken for diarrhea’

Excerpt Credit: Richard Whelan, Medical Herbalist 

Get Shepherd’s Purse on Amazon: Shepherd’s Purse


remedy for menstrual spotting called lady's mantle

This one I have not tried, but it seems really promising: 

Lady’s Mantle is an excellent herb to have on hand in case of excessive menstrual flow. It contains tannins which give the herb astringent properties. This means that the herb tightens and tones tissues and has a drying effect. This makes it a beneficial herb for bleeding problems and especially useful for women suffering from too much menstrual bleeding. It helps to stem the heavy flow of excessive menstruation. It also helps with the pain of menstrual cramps due to it’s anti-inflammatory effects, and it helps regulate the menstrual cycle.

Lady’s Mantle pairs really well with other herbs to help curtail heavy flow. Pairing it with herbs like Shepherd’s PurseYarrow, or Red Raspberry Leaf might be beneficial to try. Some herbalists combine these herbs when dealing with menorrhagia.

Article Credit: Story Dawning

Available on Amazon: Lady’s Mantle 


yarrow herb supplement pills

Yarrow can reduce heavy menstrual flow if taken during a heavy period. According to the website BHRT Resource, yarrow contains compounds called tannins, which constrict blood vessels. BHRT Resource states that taking yarrow several days before a menstrual cycle lessens the amount of menstrual flow and prevents cyclic hemorrhaging.

Article Credit: Livestrong

Available on Amazon: Yarrow

Birth Control Pills: 

Due to the Mirena IUD not containing estrogen, sometimes adding the pill on top of the Mirena IUD can help regulate your cycle and stop random bleeding. I myself, went this route, as I was pretty desperate to try anything, and it did work for me! I’m still having a few surprise spotting episodes, but it is actually tolerable now. Obviously you would need to ask for a prescription from your doctor, so that they can give you the correct dose and combinations of hormones you need. (For example, Syronx

Hormonal Acne

This has been a TOUGH one for me to get over. It even started to bother me more than the spotting did. Oddly enough, I didn’t start experiencing this symptom until a few months after my Mirena insertion. 

Now when I say acne, I mean the acne that cannot be popped, or hidden with makeup – cystic, painful and very visible. Sometimes I would get a few all at once, and I dreaded going in public. It was the worst initially, because once I woke up with tiny little bumps on my face and was absolutely horrified. Then the bumps stopped, and instead my skin on my face became incredibly oily. I could have milked my face of it, i swear. 

There I was again, full of raging anxiety, ready to call my doctor to get that damn IUD taken out. Before it came to that, I ended up finding 3 miracle products that have been LIFE-SAVING. If your skin is going psycho on you, this is a recommendation you NEED. The Noxzema and Stridex pads are no longer enough. 

So rest assured, get on your knees and be ready to thank God for these creations of divinity. 

Clear Pore Oil-Eliminating Astringent 

Acne Mirena IUD Skin Acne Insertion Neutrogena Oil SIDE EFFECTS skincare clear pore oil-eliminating astringent

Neutrogena has been a miracle worker for me, this one being the most effective. As soon as you put it on (I use cotton balls and apply it all over my face twice a day) you feel it working instantly. I noticed improvements within days! It works wonderful as a preventative too, much better than acne pads. 

You can get a bottle here: Amazon 

Oil-Free Acne Moisturizer

Acne Moisturizer Salicylic treatment for Mirena IUD side effects

This product, also by Neutrogena, is crucial when it comes to moisturizing your face while tackling these skin issues from Mirena IUD side effects. You can apply it immediately after you apply the astringent that I recommended above. It smells so good and is super gentle on my sensitive skin. You would apply this once a day before applying make-up. 

You can get this moisturizer here: Amazon 

Tea Tree Oil Cleansing Pads 

Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Acne pads to help with hormonal acne from Mirena IUD side effects

I honestly will never use any other brand of cleansing/acne pads ever again. These have a strong scent (tea tree) and soothe your skin and any redness you may have. It feels powerful when you apply it, but it has a gentle, clean, and clear after-effect. I love it and use it after I remove my makeup, finish showering, or before bed. These are great for when you are on the go. Tea tree oil is amazing! 

Get Tea Tree Oil Pads on Amazon: Tea Tree Oil Pads 

Have Cystic Acne & Oily Skin?

If none of these products work, it is possible you got a bad case of cystic acne (I am assuming), which also happened to me. I had my entire jawline of my cheeks covered in painful, cystic acne 24-7. I was so insecure, I went to the doctor and he prescribed me 2 things:

Spironolactone Prescription Pills

Spironolactone Prescription Pills Mirena IUD Side effects

Spironolactone is usually for patients with high blood pressure, or for the body producing too much fluid – which includes oil! My Mirena IUD made my skin EXTREMELY oily – so oily that I could touch my forehead and my finger would be shiny and oily just with the slightest touch.

Ask your doctor for this and I promise you that oil will disappear for good. Learn more here: How Is Spironolactone Used to Treat Acne?

The only downfall about this pill is that it smells like marijuana and booty. I don’t even care anymore though, because the benefits are so worth it. 😂

Tretinoin Cream

Tretinoin Cream USP 0.1 Acne and Wrinkles Prescription for Cystic Acne Mirena IUD

This stuff is just incredible, and you can not find anything like it in stores. For me, I would buy those hardcore spot treatments for acne and they would make my face as dry as a chalkboard, making make-up look flaky and gross. This cream does dry out your skin as well, but not as bad and gets better over time.

My face is now ACNE FREE about 90 percent of the time and I’ve never felt so confident. A bonus use for this cream is that it is known for working wonders against wrinkles and fine lines!

Want more information?

More information here: Everything You Need to Know About Tretinoin—The Anti-Aging Ingredient Derms Swear By

Please talk to your doctor, who then can refer you to a dermatologist and they will likely prescribe you this life-changing combination. If you have any questions, please reach out on any of my social media outlets or the contact form on this website. Do not give up on your IUD!

And last but not least…..the supplement that FINALLY rid me of my spotting and periods completely:

evening primrose supplements GLA

Okay guys, this stuff is AMAZING for hormonal acne. If you had your Mirena inserted, and had a combo birth control added to balance your hormones and it still doesn’t work, I promise you, this will SAVE YOUR FACE.

My mind was like “Oh my Gosh – can’t handle this acne anymore and getting this IUD yanked out!” phase when I decided to try these.

I read amazing things about it online and decided to try it. I was aware that it needs a time to start kicking in, and for me, it only took about a month. Getting HUGE, cystic zits on my jawline and chin – the painful ones that you can not pop and that take weeks to heal was hell. Those monsters are no longer ruining my life, and I really do have these supplements to thank.

I had to experiment on how much to take and when, so I started taking 1 a day, until I read online that taking 2-3 a day is okay too. It has been 3 months or so since I started taking these, and now my routine is taking one in the morning, and one in the afternoon, and then at night I open one of the capsules and apply the oil inside to my face as a moisturizer. I have had no issues or side effects with this routine whatsoever. BYE BYE MEGA XL ZITS. I don’t even get little pimples anymore, and if I do, they heal very quickly.

Also, I went through a couple of days without taking my usual dose, and I started spotting, and it stopped immediately when I started taking them again, so I am positive these capsules are magic.

The Science Behind Evening Primrose

This plant-based substance is a health supplement which may be used as a food additive or applied in the form of oil. There are several ways in which evening primrose can become an ally in the battle with skin issues. The most significant characteristic of evening primrose is that it is an excellent manager of hormones. This means that it can help with hormonal imbalances which cause acne – thus targeting the root of the problem. How does it work? The abundance of Omega-6 fatty acids in evening primrose help to adjust the amounts of particular hormones in your body, adjusting your tendency toward acne, too.

The benefits are extensive too, if you want to check them out here in this article from Healthline.

Other benefits of Evening Primrose Oil include:

  • clears up acne
  • helps treat eczema
  • helps overall skin health
  • relieves PMS symptoms
  • reduce high blood pressure
  • improve heart health
  • reduce nerve pain
  • ease bone pain

Try Evening Primrose Supplements from Amazon: Evening Primrose Oil Supplements

Conclusion on Mirena IUD Side Effects

So, far, those are my struggles I have had with Mirena and how I have dealt with them. Your experience is going to be different from mine, and remember to always talk to your doctor for advice, if you think the spotting or other bothersome symptom are too problematic for you. But don’t give up because there are other options you can try before completely giving up on your IUD!


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Post em below in the comments! 

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Hey! I'm Crystal and my passion is writing about things that make me excited about life. I am always inspired by new things, therefore, what I will write about next is pleasantly unpredictable. 💜

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