Funny Memes about Anxiety that are way too Relatable

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It may sound a little silly, but during those dreadful 293 times a day that your anxiety is at it’s peak, looking at funny memes about anxiety can actually help tame it – at least temporarily. 🀣

It isn’t fun while the explosive episodes of immense anxiety are occurring in real time, but boy is it fun to laugh at yourself after the fact. For example, sometimes I get anxious when I have to make a phone call (I dread talking on the phone to 99% of people), I will notice all my hands start to feel numb, my heart sinks as I hesitantly dial the phone in anguish.

Woman Overthinking Funny Anxiety GIF

After that phone call is over, I let out a big sigh of relief and feel as if I just conquered the world with my almighty courage. While I am in this state of glee I get a little bit of an ego and look down at the anxiety-ridden self that I was just a couple of minutes ago, roll my eyes and whisper to myself “you drama queen” and laugh.

Well, I laugh until the next event of anticipation starts to sneak up on me – but that is when I yank out them dank memes on my phone and remind myself that “this too shall pass”. πŸ˜‚

1. Sleep vs. Anxiety

This one pretty much sums up my night life.

2. Paranoid AF

Everyone that has high levels of anxiety can relate to this meme. The struggle of this is real. So, so real. WHY ARE THEY LAUGHING AT ME?

3. Work Anxiety

“I’m fine. Just tired”. *insert fake smile here* 🀣

4. Bonded by Anxiety

This is the worst because when you notice that someone is similar to you, BOTH of your anxieties prevent you both from initiating a potentially long-lasting friendship. So you sob alone in your room over spilled milk instead.

5. Anxiety over No Anxiety

Yes, this is a real thing. When your anxiety isn’t present, it causes anxiety because usually no anxiety means something bad is about to happen. At least in your heads! πŸ˜‚

Having anxiety about not having anxiety dog meme with funny picture of nervous pup

6. This is why I have no Friends

Seriously though. As Taylor Swift says, “you gotta leave before you get left“. LOL

7. Smiling at Strangers

When I am in this situation, especially when approaching someone down a long hallway, I do this! Your anxiety tells you to avoid eye contact but you just cant help yourself and instead, throw them one of those creepy/awkward smiles that scream “please don’t talk to me”! πŸ˜‚

8. Why did I say that 10 years ago?

A common occurrence for the stressed out: lying in bed, remembering embarrassing social interactions from 2007. Oh boy, this is me! I still get that “flushed face” feeling when remembering when I called my teacher “mom”, or when a popular girl would talk to me and all I could could offer back was a brace-faced, awkward laugh out of nervousness. SHM.

Squidward Meme about not being able to sleep because of things you said a long time ago - Anxiety Problems

9. Procrastination Decoration

I do like to decorate… 🀣

10. Regret Making those Plans you wanted SO BADLY

Story of your life, right?! Even when you make sure to be very mindful of the plans being made while you’re in the moment, you end up regretting it. Even with anxiety there are times when you feel great and want to go out and have fun for a change, so you plan something for something at noon on a Saturday. Then, when Saturday comes you contemplate life wondering what excuse sounds the most legit for not going. πŸ˜‚ It’s tragic.

11. 99 Problems

So, who else gets paranoid when they are walking alone in a parking garage at night? My brain goes wacky thinking about who could be hiding under the vehicles with a sledgehammer. Then when I finally get to my car I look behind my front seat to make sure no one is hiding in the back with a knife. Then I check my shower curtain when I get home to pee.

Hey – You never know! 😣🀣

99 Problems Anxiety Memes for Stressed People

12. Happy thoughts? Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Every. time. Good vs. Evil!

13. Resting B*tch Face

Do you suffer from RBF? (Resting B*tch Face) – If so, you probably relate to this meme:

14. Bathroom Door Horror

Nothing pisses me off more than someone who continuously wiggles the door knob to the bathroom. Like, not only did you scare the literal sh*t out of me, you have elevated my anxiety to a whole new level! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜«

15. Stay Tuned for More Isolation

Why do we do this? πŸ˜‚

16. Anxiety is an Asshole

If we could text our anxiety, this would be an accurate screenshot for sure!

Funny memes about anxiety LOL text

For more funny memes and anxiety-related humor, take a gander at my other post on all things anxiety-related: Funny Anxiety Memes & Items for us who Hate Everything

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Hey! I'm Crystal and my passion is writing about things that make me excited about life. I am always inspired by new things, therefore, what I will write about next is pleasantly unpredictable. πŸ’œ

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