The Best Weight Loss Tips for People who Get Bored Easily

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Are you having a hard time losing weight due to getting bored with your diet/exercise routine and need the best weight loss tips? If so, you’re definitely not alone! The constant on and off dieting due to boredom can cause you to become unmotivated, also resulting in weight fluctuation. Every single time we put ourselves on a diet with too many expectations, we become frustrated and quit!

Funny Weight Loss Quote GIF

Before we get to these helpful tips, here are common obstacles that this list will help you overcome:

  • Loss of motivation due to repetitive, boring workouts.
  • The frustration that comes with calorie counting and eating the same foods all the time.
  • Fighting cravings & avoiding stress eating.
  • Preventing the task of tracking Calories & Exercise from becoming boring.
  • Finding a variety of new ways to burn calories outside of the gym.
  • Tackling the struggle of keeping motivation when hitting a weight loss plateau

Those common issues are some of the reasons we break our good habits when starting a new weight loss journey. Some people can do the same workout every day, eat the same food everyday and remain content for extended periods of time. If you’re like me, then that is not the case – so that is why I decided to share these super helpful tips!

1. Don’t go Overboard on Food Restriction

Is butter a carb mean girls GIF

This first tip is simple – don’t over do it! When we start a new diet, we give ourselves some ridiculous rules, like staying under 1,200 calories, cutting all sugar & bread, and never going out to eat. You have to think long term, and realistically, you are not going to be successful if you try to do all of those things for extended periods of time.

So, be realistic! Don’t eat the same amount of calories everyday, don’t avoid sugar, bread or other foods you love entirely and for the love of God, go to a restaurant and order a sirloin steak every once in a while. It will not hurt you and will keep you from going crazy and binge-eating a dozen donuts out of impulse.

2. Make Food & Exercise Tracking Fun

Fitness and Food Tracking Journal Tracker

The last thing you want to do is make the task of tracking your calorie intake and exercise routine seem like a tedious chore! We have enough responsibilities in life that need to be repetitively recorded and accounted for as it is. You feel me? The best weight loss tips include staying informed of what you intake and output!

To make this process more enjoyable, I recommend getting an all-in-one health and fitness tracker. The one I personally use is the “Food & Fitness Journal” by Soligt. Why? Because it helps you keep track of your meals, workouts, weight all in one convenient journal. It also includes a section for your “before and after” photos and measurements!

Get started by getting one for yourself, here: Food & Fitness Journal

Best Weight Loss Tips Food and Fitness Journal Tracker
Food and Fitness Journal for Weight Loss

3. Don’t Sell Your Soul to a Big Chain Gym

Funny Gym GIF

One of the biggest mistakes people make is setting unrealistic goals when it comes to working out. For example, when you begin a new routine, you tell yourself that you will go to the gym after work everyday. If you can do that, great, but if you’re like me, you need variety!

I have nothing against gyms but the fact is that most of us pay for the membership but never really go. When you get bored easily with workouts, an alternative option is joining a group fitness gym, such as Crossfit, for example.

I tried this method and lost a lot of weight and stayed motivated for years! Why? Because when you workout with other people and build a relationship with the person running the class, you feel more accountable because you know that your absence wouldn’t go unnoticed like it would if you decided to skip the gym.

Give it a chance!

You can always try it out first using a Groupon deal, but at least give it a shot! When someone else writes your workouts and watches you, you’re forced to push yourself to do those workouts you hate. I don’t know about you but when I go to the gym by myself I don’t choose the hard stuff or push myself enough.

Having someone write your workouts for you, push you, and give you encouragement, makes all the difference in the world. Trust me. Every penny is worth it too!

4. Buy a NutriBullet

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So, this tip has been a real game changer for me recently! I have always used giant blenders that are annoying to clean and transfer into a cup. The NutriBullet eliminates that so that you can literally throw anything you want into it, blend it for around 30 seconds, stick a straw in it and BOOM – you have a super nutritious meal.

The model I have is this one: 900 W NutriBullet NB9

Best Nutribullet Set on Amazon

The ease of using one is not the only benefit, but it is an excellent way to expand your food choices. With a NutriBullet you have the ability to easily add in vegetables or other foods that are super nutritious but not so tasty when eaten by themselves.

For example, if you aren’t a fan of spinach leaves, you can add a lot of them into the blender cup with some strawberries, protein powder, flax seeds, and whatever other ingredients you love, to create a fruity smoothie that tastes nothing like spinach!

The Possibilities are Endless

When you’re on the go and want to avoid grabbing unhealthy foods that are usually ready and available, this is a wonderful way to choose a super healthy alternative. Due to the freedom of mixing and matching ingredients, you can ensure you’ll never get bored of them. I even have a post about high-protein shake recipes that you can make easily with the NutriBullet: Protein Shake Recipes

5. Take Advantage of Fun At-Home Workout Options

Fitness Marshall GIF Caleb Dancing Camo

Sometimes the weather does not permit for a satisfying run outside. On a cold winter day, the only thing you are going to want to do is curl up on the couch with a bag of cheese puffs as you subconsciously blame the weather for you not working out. (It’s okay, we all have been there) ๐Ÿ˜‚

My favorite way to workout at home when I need something more exciting than typical workout is The Fitness Marshall! The Fitness Marshall uploads free workout videos to YouTube, where you can dance-along to your favorite songs. Caleb, who leads the dances, has a hilarious personality too, so you will also burn a little calories from laughing.

I am addicted to the fun I have when learning the routines and so will you. If you are curious as to why this is on the best weight loss tips list, try it! As an example, get your butt off your couch and try this one right now:

Don’t lie. You loved it and want some more of it!

6. Consider getting a Dog

Dog Workout Partner GIF Jump Rope

If you identify yourself as someone who needs a push to stay active, getting a dog can be very effective! I recently adopted a dog a month ago and although she can’t make me eat healthy, she forces me to get out of the house when I am feeling lazy and unmotivated. This is mostly effective if you live in an apartment, since you can’t just open a door and let your dog out while you stay inside. Either way, walking your dog is a fun way to focus on weight loss.

Dogs make going to parks and just being outdoors in general SO much more enjoyable.

7. Invest in a Fitness Tracker

Samsung Galaxy Fitness Watch

Whether you keep a fitness journal or not, a fitness watch is helpful to help motivate you in numerous ways. Here are just some of the benefits that contribute to the best weight loss tips:

  • Input your calorie intake digitally to align with how many you burned
  • Get notified when you’re getting close to going over your calorie limit for the day
  • The phone apps that sync with the watch allow you to see where your problem areas are in to your diet (too much sugar, for example)
  • Track your heartrate during workouts to track calorie burn
  • Get competitive with your step count with people all over the world via apps that sync with your watch
  • Tons of other benefits and features that help motivate you to stay focused on your fitness goals

I have the Samsung Galaxy Watch and I absolutely love it! Another great feature that I love is the ability to download apps, like Spotify, which allows me to play music when on a walk or run. Plus, I can respond to texts. ๐Ÿ˜„

Best Weight Loss Tips Samsung Galaxy Fitness Tracker Smart Watch

8. Eat that Piece of Cake – Occasionally


This is an important tip because you cannot realistically go cold turkey and drop all your favorite foods out of your life forever. If you limit your favorite unhealthy foods without completely restricting them, you’ll have a much better chance at sticking to your diet.

For example, I love chocolate, ice cream, bread and steak. My 4 weaknesses! If I never ate them or associated them with being evil foods, I would be one cranky son of a gun all the time! The good news is that when you limit your intake of these things, and stick to a mostly healthy diet, the cravings will decrease and the “guilt” when you eat them will increase, as long as you stick with limiting your intake of them enough for your body to notice.

9. Pinterest, Pinterest, Pinterest

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Think of Pinterest as your one-stop-shop for all things fitness related. When you notice that a certain aspect of your diet is starting to bore you, search alternatives on Pinterest.

Are you sick of running for cardio? Search “Cardio Exercises” and see what ideas come up. Similarly, if you are getting sick and tired of what you’re eating, search for “healthy recipes“. Pinterest usually gives you way more of a variety of results, compared to search engines.

if you don’t have an account, sign up, follow-me, and get started by creating a “Fitness” board that you can easily access when you need a new recipe, workout routine, or even motivational quotes, like this one:

Motivational Fitness Quotes on Pinterest

Searching the site is a convenient way to get the best weight loss tips all in one place!

10. Remind yourself Why You Want to Get Healthier

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Whatever your reason is for wanting to lose weight, you have to remind yourself why you want it. The best weight loss tips only work if you do! Do you actually want to do it or are you being pressured to? You have to start your fitness journey knowing exactly what you want and why. That is a crucial part of the process of goal setting that nothing and no one can do for you.

A song that comes to mind when I think of this tip is “Work” by Britney Spears, which is also a highly recommended song that is super effective during workouts to motivate the hell out of you!

You want a hot body? You want a Bugatti?

a Maserati? You better work bitch

You want a Lamborghini? Sippin’ martinis?

Look hot in a bikini? You better work bitch

You wanna live fancy? Live in a big mansion?

Party in France?

You better work bitch, you better work bitch

Now get to work bitch!

Britney Spears – “Work” Lyrics

Hopefully those 10 tips help you reevaluate your approach to your diet plan and can help aide in long term success and results! If you work hard, you can make it happen!

In conclusion of this entry, and to aide in giving you some inspiration to “try again”, here is one last powerful quote:

Motivational Quotes for Fitness Best Weight Loss Tips

Written by 

Hey! I'm Crystal and my passion is writing about things that make me excited about life. I am always inspired by new things, therefore, what I will write about next is pleasantly unpredictable. ๐Ÿ’œ

One thought on “The Best Weight Loss Tips for People who Get Bored Easily

  1. Glenda

    Love this post!! Great tips!

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